What Are the Duties and Responsibilities of HR Professionals  


Responsibilities of HR Professionals

Figure 1  Duties and Responsibility

Human Resources departments are often misunderstood and unfairly categorized, especially in TV shows and other stereotypical portrayals, as team members that should be feared and are primarily responsible for cutting costs and firing employees.

The reality is, Human Resources departments have many valuable responsibilities, and they’re often caught in the middle of power struggles in a company. More importantly, they’re a critical asset when it comes to hiring, managing staff, and addressing disputes within a company.

The human employee is the greatest resource most companies have. The value of a single good employee to an organization is growing year over year and has been since the ’90s. Thus, establishing a solid team of people to manage that human resource has been a growing fixture of companies for decades.


HR Enforces Company Regulations

Figure 2 Policies

Compliance with policies, both internal and external, is of critical importance for most businesses.

Policies include:

  • ·         Internal policies on employee ethics and behavior.
  • ·         Internal policies on conduct, dress, and attendance.
  • ·         Communications policies, both internally and externally.
  • ·         External industry regulations, such as HIPAA.
  • ·         External state or federal regulations, including anti-discrimination laws.

Whether the policies in question are internally devised and thus flexible, or externally enforced, HR is typically the central authority within a company that handles compliance. They are responsible for educating staff on policies, including the penalties for violations. They are also responsible for handling complaints and violations, including delivering punishments. Whether this results in a reprimand, a firing, or a lawsuit, HR is the central organization responsible for managing it or facilitating internal or external auditors in their investigations.

Investigates Internal Complaints

Figure 3  Investigation

Human Resources is often made out to be the enemy. Common advice during negotiations or discussions, from an employee’s end, is to “always remember that HR works for the company, not for you.” The truth is a little more nuanced than that.

The HR department is usually caught in the middle. Yes, they work for the company, but it is in both the company’s and their best interests to handle and solve internal complaints in an appropriate manner. Internal complaints, whether they’re related to managers abusing their power, sexual misconduct in the workplace, harassment, cyberbullying, need to be addressed.

HR Assists Employees with Career Development

Figure 4 Career Development

While it may seem, in some organizations, that HR serves the company more than it serves the employees, the truth should be the opposite. When employees are the single greatest resource available to a company – and with the sheer expense of turnover rising the more the employee’s value rises – it’s no surprise that many modern HR departments are focusing on employees. (Greenberg, 2019)


Thus, an HR department may be focused on:


  • ·         Assisting employees in personal development.
  • ·         Assisting employees in professional development and training.
  • ·         Rewarding employees for their performance with bonuses and promotions.
  • ·         Offering training and support for employees, managers, and more.

·         Adjusting roles and duties for accommodation, to facilitate the health and wellness of individual employees.


The average Human Resources department has a lot more on its plate than many people might know. From every angle of the business, they help guide the direction of day-to-day activities, facilitating decisions, presenting feedback to executives, and pushing back against unrealistic expectations.


From the bottom up, they keep employees informed, healthy, and happy. They help facilitate everything from career development to personal health to internal feedback. From the outside in they help bring in high-quality candidates and ensure that the organization remains compliant with industry and governmental regulations.


From the inside out, they help guide and promote the company’s reputation, resolve issues that would otherwise become problems, and generally smooth over the wrinkles of a business’s public face (Greenberg, A., 2019).



Greenberg, A., 2019. What Are the Duties and Responsibilities of HR Professionals?. Responsibilities of HR Professionals, 1(5), pp. 54-56.


  1. In its most basic form, the HR (Human Resources) department is tasked with managing the employee life cycle and dispensing benefits. Therefore Human Resources departments are responsible for a variety of important tasks. You have clearly explained it in this article. All the best.

  2. Hi Lashitha
    A very detailed blog that covers all the aspects of an HR professional's responsibilities. The HR manager has a lot more on his/her plate, and he should have a very good set of skills to complete all these without any issues. Do you think the companies provide sufficient development opportunities for the HR people to be skilled for their job roles?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. As you said mafaz in my knowledge some new srilankan companies not provide sufficient development opportunities for the HR people to be skilled for their job roles?

  3. Hi,
    As you mentioned above the process of human resource planning is vital in assessing both the current and future personnel needs of an organization in terms of quantity as well as quality. very good article.

  4. As explained in this article, HR managers play a main role in the development of employees and maintaining employee welfare. This article clearly discusses the main duties and responsibilities. HR managers should ensure that their duties are very transparent and fair by all employees. Important article.

  5. Preventing or remediating conflicts between staff and board members are also among the HR Manager's duties.Cost concern of the company HR has to play wide range to improve.Good one ☝️

  6. well explained article about responsibilities of HR managers. HRM is most important function of an organization which is directly affect employees and their welfare. HR professionals should develop policies align with the organizational behaviors and culture. Good Luck

  7. HR managers play a critical role in employee growth and wellbeing. The primary responsibilities and obligations are discussed in detail in this article. HR managers should make sure that their responsibilities are clear and fair to all employees. This is an extremely important article.

  8. This article outlines the primary duties and responsibilities in detail. HR managers must ensure that their responsibilities are clear and equitable to all workers. You've written the material in an easy-to-understand format. Good Luck!!

  9. This article clearly described the role of the human resource specialists has also typically been associated with administrative duties, such as gathering, facilitating decision and they have traditionally worked in establishing and enforcing company regulations.
    Good one & all the best..

  10. Human Resources departments have a wide range of responsibilities, and they're frequently caught in the thick of corporate power battles. More significantly, they're a valuable asset when it comes to hiring, managing employees, and resolving workplace conflicts. Good Luck !

  11. very well briefed on HR and the respective roles, it is a good eye opener about the prejudice about the HR professionals. A good article

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello, It is essential for anyone learning about HRM to know the exact duties and responsibilities of HR Professionals. By studying it properly, one can do one's duty properly. It also affects the performance of an organization. However, you have explained the duties and responsibilities of HR Professionals. All the best!

  14. Retaining top talent is a big challenge today. To retain them understanding of their expectation is needed. Article clearly showcase the importance of the HRM in achieving this. Good luck.


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