The Role of HRM in Conflict Resolution at Workplace

The Role of HRM in Conflict Resolution at Workplace

Figure 1: Work Conflict

Any disagreement or action involving HR that disrupts the flow of work, hampers collaboration, or stifles creativity is considered workplace conflict.  (Luca, 2019) When personnel from differing backgrounds and work styles are brought together for a common business goal, workplace conflict is unavoidable. Conflict can be controlled and resolved, and it should be. The likelihood of workplace conflict has increased, with tensions and concerns at an all-time high as a result of the current political division and racial injustice conversations at work. This toolbox looks at the origins and repercussions of workplace conflict, as well as why managers should intervene.

Human resource professionals are frequently faced with workplace conflict resolution, and how they handle conflict has an impact not just on the persons involved, but also on how other employees perceive the firm.

Common problems can usually be solved with better communication and compromise on the part of all parties concerned. However, these issues can often spiral out of control, necessitating the assistance of professionals to untangle the mess.

Following common issues can usually be overcome by better communication and compromise on the parts of those who are involved. However, sometimes these problems get out of hand and require professionals to untangle the mess.

1.          Interdependence Conflicts

2.          Differences in Style

3.          Differences in Background/Gender

4.          Differences in Leadership

5.          Personality Clashes

Human resources, or HR, is regularly called upon to act as a mediator between employees and management, promptly resolving conflicts and ensuring that companies do not breach employees' rights. Human resources personnel resolve workplace conflicts by interpreting corporate regulations as well as labor and employment legislation. To successfully obtain an acceptable settlement for all parties, the human resources department utilizes conflict resolution procedures.

There is no single technique for fostering a healthy work environment. To increase employee engagement and reduce conflict, a variety of strategies are utilized in various combinations. However, there are a few key techniques that HR professionals may utilize to foster a pleasant work environment.



Figure 2: 05 Conflict Management Styles

Following are some suggestions for dealing with employees who are unable to resolve their own issues.

1. Recognize that you are in a difficult situation.

2. Allow others to express their emotions.

3. Identify the issue

4. Identify the underlying need

5. Look for common ground, no matter how insignificant

6. Look for ways to meet needs.

The finest conflict resolution techniques not only fix present concerns, but also assist prevent future occurrences of the same problem. Several experts recommended that concerns be addressed as soon as possible to avoid them simmering and resulting in reoccurring confrontations ( Luca, R. d., 2019).




Luca, R. d., 2019. bambooHR. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 22 04 2022].





  1. Work place conflict mainly impact to organization performance. The HRM conect employee and employer. Good article. You explained well.

  2. Your article suggest that to increase employee engagement and reduce conflict, a variety of strategies are utilized in various combinations. I totally agree with it. We have to be flexible with the situation and maturity level of the employees. Good article.

  3. When there is a problem between people, HR management must use conflict resolution abilities to aid people. You have nicely described it in this article. Good Luck Lakshitha!

  4. As explained above, Conflict at work has a significant impact on an organization's performance. Employees and employers are linked by HRM. This is an excellent article.

  5. Hi Lakshitha,
    Based on your article I see that mainly conflicts may be overcome by better communication and compromise between the parties involved. I think when the workplace consists of more diverse people these kind of conflicts are invertible. Since HR will be a mediator between employees and management, how much do you think HR will be unbiased in the situation of a conflict?

    1. Understanding the causes of workplace disagreements can aid HR professionals in resolving issues before — or after — a conflict escalates into a fight between departments that refuse to cooperate or a scream match amongst coworkers.

  6. As discussed, workplace conflicts are a major disruption within an organisation. Therefore HR managers play a main role in solving these conflicts. When such conflicts are properly addressed, it will reduce employee stress levels and negative mindset. It will also increase employee engagement and trust in the employer. Good article. All the Best Lakshitha!

  7. HR, frequently acts as a mediator between employees and managers, quickly responding to conflict and ensuring employers do not violate the rights of employees. Explained Well 👍

  8. Human resource professionals are constantly faced with workplace conflict resolution, and how they handle conflict affects not just the individuals involved, but also how other employees see the company. Your explanation is superb .Keep it up!!

  9. Conflict in the workplace can disrupts the flow of work, prevents collaboration, or stifles creativity. Therefore conflict should be addressed and resolve as soon as possible. Your article explains the about the possible conflicts in and workstation and ho to address them. All the best.

  10. As you clearly mentioned, Human resource professionals are frequently tasked with workplace conflict resolution, and how they handle workplace conflict affects not only the parties involved, but also how other employees perceive the company.Good wishes

  11. Conflict may occur between co-workers, between supervisors and subordinates.HR professional has major part to manage this kind of issue & this article you provide suggestions very appropriate way.Good one.

  12. Leaders should be able to recognize and resolve disputes, as well as propose suitable solutions. For a better employee experience, good conflict resolution skills are essential. The team relationship strengthens when workplace conflicts are resolved properly. good one

  13. Internal conflicts negatively impact on the employee performance. It is important to understand that and manage them to archive organizational objectives.
    Good luck.


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