7 Human Resource Management Basics Every HR Professional Should Know

Human Resource Management Basics Every HR Professional Should Know

People are critical to every company's success. Employee performance can be a burden or an advantage for a corporation. For firms of all sizes, effective human resource management (HRM) is critical. I'll break down the foundations of human resource management in this blog.

  What is a Human Resource?

The practice of managing people to improve performance is known as human resource management, or HRM.

HR provides expertise, tools, training, legal counsel, administration, and talent management, all of which are critical to a company's survival and advancement.

  The seven HR basics

Several aspects are considered pillars for good HRM policies when we talk about Human Resource Management. These are the cornerstones:

Figure 1 7 HRM Basics

 1 Recruiting and hiring

A significant HR role is to recruit applicants and select the best ones to come work for the organization. HR can utilize a variety of selection tools to locate the best candidate for the job. Interviews, for example, are among them.

Figure 2 Recruitment Process

2 Management of performance

The second HR fundamental is performance management. It entails assisting employees in being their best selves at work, hence improving the company's bottom line. Formal one-on-one performance reviews and 360-degree feedback are two examples.

Figure 3 360 Degree feedback

 Instruments that also take into account the evaluation of peers, clients, and other relations, and more informal feedback.

3 Development and learning

Assists employees in re-skill and upgrading their skills. HR is in charge of learning and development (L&D), and strong policies can assist the firm achieve its long-term objectives.

Figure 4 Learning and Development process

Ensure that employees adapt to changes in processes, technology, and societal or legal shifts. 

4 Succession planning

The practice of arranging contingencies in the event that key personnel leave the organization is known as succession planning. Performance ratings and L&D initiatives are frequently used in succession planning. As a result, a talent pipeline is established. This is a candidate pool.


Figure 5 Succession planning process

5 Compensation and benefits

Compensation and benefits are another HR fundamental. Fair pay is essential for inspiring and retaining employees. Ensure justice and fairness in pay is one of the fundamentals of human resource management.


Figure 6 Compensation and benefits

Making the right offer of pay is a key part of attracting the best talent.

 6 Human Resources Information Systems

The final two HR fundamentals are not HR practices, but rather tools for doing HR better. The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is the first.


Figure 6  HRIS

Performance management, a performance management system is used to keep track of individual goals and put in performance ratings.

7 HR data and analytics

Human Resource Information Systems is primarily a data-entry system, as we just stated. These systems' data can be used to make more informed and better judgments.


Figure 7 HR Analytics Cycle

An easy way to keep track of critical data is through HR metrics or HR KPIs . These are specific measurements that answer how a company is doing on a given measurement. This is referred to as HR reporting. (Erik, 2016)



Consider these seven fundamentals as building blocks: good management of one contributes to the strength of the next. These HR basics, taken together, enable a workforce to not just perform better, but to perform at its peak.


Erik Van Valpen, 2016. 7 Human Resource Management Basics Every HR Professional Should Know. AIHR THE ACADEMY TO INNOVATE HR.



  1. Employees are the asserts of an organization therefore HR is having a vital role on employee welfare. You have clearly explained the basics of HR and the importance. Good Luck..

  2. this is very important article for HRM Managers and who willing to be a HR Managers,The basic of what is a human resource and important seven basics should know the human resource management.Good luck

  3. Recruitment & selection, performance management, learning & development, succession planning, compensation and benefits, Human Resources Information Systems, and HR data and analytics are considered cornerstones of effective HRM.Good article..

  4. This is a very important article for those who are interested in HRM. You have nicely describe the 07 HR Basics in this article. Nice piece of writing. Good Luck!

  5. As discussed in this article, HR is an important function of an organisation and it ensures efficient working environment, manages the work culture and employee welfare. Good article. All the Best!

  6. In this article, you have nicely described the 07 HR Basics. When these HR fundamentals are combined, a workforce may not only perform better, but also perform at its top. Excellent piece of writing. Best wishes!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Having a better HRM process is a competitive advantage to an organisation, such will improves employees job satisfaction and minimise the labor turnover, which will support to improve customer satisfaction and company growth.

  9. All seven factors are critical to HRM. they interact and influence each other and effective management of each element contributes to the organization's progress. you have explained well.

  10. Hello, HRM is very important for the survival of an organization. It has a direct impact on the performance and growth of the organization. You have well explained its importance and how to maintain it properly. Al the best!

  11. All seven of the points you've mentioned are really important. In order to conduct the business smoothly, organizations must have well-defined plans for each of these functions. Staff members require opportunities to learn so that they can perform better in order to achieve the organizations goals. Employee efforts should be rewarded through proper performance management structure has been established. good luck

  12. Agreed with you all the points.
    Organization should need to get well defined Plan to implement with proper way. Good luck 👍


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