Typical Functions of a Human Resource Manager

The Typical Functions of an HR Manager

Until now, we have discussed how the HRM function in organizations works and the role of the function in organizational processes. We have also discussed the changing nature of the HRM function in recent years and how with the introduction of enterprise software, an entirely new dimension has been added to these functions.

First, the HR manager has to juggle hiring, training, appraisals, and payroll among other things. This means that a typical function of the HR manager would encompass the end to end management of the employee people lifecycle which means that the HR manager would have to take care of everything that is concerned with the people aspect right from the time the employee enters the organization till the time the employee quits or retires from the organization. Hence, the lifecycle of an employee’s time in an organization has to be managed and this means that the HR manager is responsible for the hiring, training, appraisals, payroll, and exit interviews.

Entry to Exit: Managing the Employee Lifecycle

If we take each of these activities in turn, we find that hiring is done in conjunction with the line managers who put out their requirements periodically on the kind of recruits they want and the number of recruits they want. Once the request reaches the HR manager, he or she has to scour the market for potential recruits. Usually, the HR manager does not personally do this and outsources this function to a placement consultancy. The next step is the interview stage after the shortlists are done and this is an activity where the HR manager either delegates the task of assessing the potential recruits to the staffing team or does the job personally.

In large organizations like Fidelity and Microsoft, there are dedicated teams for each of these activities and this is something we would be discussing in detail in subsequent articles. After the interview stage is over, the important task of fixing the salary and benefits of the successful candidates has to be done. This is usually the time when the HR manager plays a critical role as he or she has to determine the fit between the role and the candidate and decide on the quantum of salary and benefits that is appropriate to the role and after examining the budgets for the same.

The Appraisal Process and the Exit Interviews

After these activities, the HR manager is also involved in conducting the last stage of appraisals or evaluating the appraisals. In recent years, the trend is more towards the latter where the HR manager in charge of the business unit evaluates the appraisals instead of participating in the process directly. This is done in a manner to determine the quantum of pay hikes or bonuses keeping in mind the same principles that were discussed in the hiring activity. What this means is that the HR manager has to work closely with the line managers to get this done. (Learning, 2009)

In many organizations, employees can take their grievances to the HR managers in case they are not satisfied with their pay hikes or the quantum of benefits. They can also complain against their managers in a confidential and private manner.

The last activity that the HR manager is involved in is conducting exit interviews when employees leave the organization. 

This is usually done on the last day of the employee’s stay in the organization and this process consists of a free and frank discussion on what the employee feels about the organization and why he or she is leaving the organization. The exit interviews offer valuable sources of insights into organizational behavior as the employees can vent their feelings on what works and what does not work in organizations. (Juneja, 2015)


Juneja, P., 2015. Management Study Guide. NY: LO.

Learning, B., 2009. bakkah. [Online] Available at: https://bakkah.com/knowledge-center/roles-functions-human-resource-management.




  1. This is an excellent essay for anyone who is just learning about the basic functions of human resource management. For that, a broad idea has been given. Best wishes!

  2. Nicely talk about the Typical functions of a HR Manager. I got new ideas by reading your article. Good work. Wish you all the best!

  3. This is very important article about typical functions of HRM role in organizational process. Clearly discribed managing the employee life cycle and about the appraisal process how works in organization. Great article.

  4. Very appropriate way you discribed appraisal process & exit interview.These both facts very important to organization.good article.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Functions of a HR Manager is very important for an employee since it directly impact to employee's journey with relevant employer.
    Performance evaluation,exit interviews are few important tasks out of which lot of main tasks assigned to a HR manager ,who is playing an important role of an organization.
    Good job Lakshitha

  7. This is a crucial essay regarding the usual HRM functions in the organizational process. The employee life cycle is clearly described, as is the appraisal process and how it operates in the organization. This is an excellent article.

  8. Role of HR Manager is very important in an organization since he directly dealing with employees from the day an employee joining a company to the last day. You have nicely describe functions and importance of HR manager. Good Luck..

  9. As explained in this article, HR managers play a main role in the development of employees and maintaining employee welfare. This article clearly discusses the main duties and responsibilities. HR managers should ensure that their duties are very transparent and fair by all employees. Important article.

  10. For an employee, the tasks of an HR Manager are crucial since they have a direct impact on the employee's experience with a relevant firm.Performance appraisal and exit interviews are two crucial jobs, and an HR manager, who plays an important position in a business, is responsible for many of them.

  11. HR managers, as mentioned in this article, play a critical role in the development of the employees. They should make sure that their responsibilities are clear and equitable to all employees. At the same time it is important to have exit interviews to retain talent. Nice explanation.


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